Sunset Farms LLC

Courtney Vaughan and her horse Lined Up To Bat
Courtney Vaughan and her horse Lined Up To Bat

 A Little Bit About Sunset Farms 

Sunset Farms is small privately owned boarding and lesson facility located in the small town of Oxford North Carolina. Sunset Farms is owned by Courtney Vaughan. Sunset Farms is a 13 stall barn with six pastures each with there own run in sed for your horses comforted. We offer affordable prices so you don't have to break the bank affording for your horses. Here at Sunset Farms we strive to make you and your horse feel at home and cater to your horses need. Our priority is to make you and your horse feel at home.

Sunset Farms 


2165 Sunset Road Oxford North Carolina 


(919) 922-4770

Email Us:

Contact us to set up a time for riding lesson, or to come view the barn by texting Courtney Vaughan at (919) 922-4770 

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