About the Owner 

Courtney Vaughan and A Little Big Town
Courtney Vaughan and A Little Big Town

About the Owner

At the young age of five Courtney's parents Dana and Craig would often find her sitting at the window watching her neighbor Beth Short riding horses. Courtney started taking lessons and learning how to ride shortly after. Many years went by and Courtney would always be at the barn riding or just enjoying the horses. In 2018 Courtney decided she wanted to try a new discipline and her parents purchased her, her very first Tennessee Walking Horse named Boykin. Courtney showed Boykin in many different states and won many high point awards with him, they later purchased a horse name All Bling'd Out known as Ellie around the barn. Ellie has become Courtney's heart horse and is still in the barn today. Courtney decided shortly after getting Ellie she wanted to open a barn and start showing her love for horses with the public, Courtney started by giving riding lessons to kids and later opened up her own boarding barn. Stated by Courtney "None of my dreams would of came true without the help of my parents Dana and Craig Vaughan."

Sunset Farms 


2165 Sunset Road Oxford North Carolina 


(919) 922-4770

Email Us:


Contact us to set up a time for riding lesson, or to come view the barn by texting Courtney Vaughan at (919) 922-4770 

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